Oxidative stress modulation using polyphenol-rich blueberries:
application on a human retinal cell model
Dutot M, Rambaux L, Warnet JM, Rat P.
Laboratoire de Toxicologie,
Faculté de Pharmacie,
Université Paris Descartes, France.
J Fr Ophtalmol. 2008 Dec;31(10):975-80.
ABSTRACTIntroduction. The retina is located in a highly oxygenated environment and is therefore particularly susceptible to oxidative damage. Blueberries have a high antioxidant potential since they are rich in anthocyans. The aim of this study was to investigate the cytoprotective role of blueberries on human retinal cells. Materials and methods. Blueberry extract was incubated at 0.05% and 0.1% for 15 minutes or 24 hours on a human retinal cell line. Then oxidative stress was induced by 150 microM tert-butylhydroperoxide (tBHP) for 1 hour. Intracellular metabolism, reactive oxygen species, superoxide anion, and mitochondrial apoptosis were evaluated using Alamar blue, DCFDA, dihydroethidium, and nonylacridine orange dyes, respectively. Tests were performed using cytofluorometry adapted to microplates. RESULTS: Blueberry protected cells against tBHP-induced cytotoxicity. It increased cell viability, decreased oxidative stress and mitochondrial apoptosis. After a 24-hour preincubation time, blueberry totally inhibited tBHP-induced cytotoxicity. CONCLUSION: Blueberry seems to be a potent antioxidant and could be easily added to food complements to prevent or limit ocular pathologies induced by oxidative stress.Brainfood
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