Dual effects of bryostatin-1 on spatial memory and depression
Sun MK, Alkon DL.
Blanchette Rockefeller Neurosciences Institute,
9601 Medical Center Drive,
Johns Hopkins Academic and Research Building,
Room 319, Rockville,
MD 20850, USA.
Eur J Pharmacol. 2005 Apr 4;512(1):43-51
ABSTRACTDementia and depression are clinical symptoms commonly associated in patients. Emerging evidence suggests that the two diseases share many profiles in their development and underlying neural/molecular mechanisms. Thus, interest is raised in developing new classes of antidepressant agents with activity of cognitive enhancement. Here, we show that bryostatin-1, a protein kinase C substrate activator, at bilateral intracerebroventricular doses of 0.64 or 2 pmol/site, significantly enhanced learning and memory of rats in a spatial water maze task. When applied at the doses at which it exhibits memory-enhancing activity, bryostatin-1 showed a significant antidepressant activity, as determined in an open space swim test. Both effects were not observed when a smaller dose was administered and were largely eliminated by co-administration of 1-(5-isoquinolinesulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine (H-7), a protein kinase C inhibitor. These results support the hypothesis that memory processing and mood regulation share common neural mechanisms. Restoring impaired mood regulation with antidepressant agents that also exhibit memory-enhancing activity may represent one of the new strategies in the fight against depression associated with memory impairments.Bryostatin
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