A multicenter, randomized, placebo controlled, multiple-dose, safety and pharmacokinetic study of AIT-082 (Neotrofin) in mild Alzheimer's disease patients
Grundman M, Capparelli E, Kim HT, Morris JC, Farlow M,
Rubin EH, Heidebrink J, Hake A, Ho G, Schultz AN,
Schafer K, Houston W, Thomas R, Thal LJ;
Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study.
Department of Neurosciences,
University of California-San Diego,
9500 Gilman, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA.
Life Sci. 2003 Jun 20;73(5):539-532
ABSTRACTA phase 1, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose escalation study of the purine derivative, AIT-082 (Neotrofin, NeoTherapeutics) was conducted in mild Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients to evaluate multiple-dose safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics. Possible short-term effects of AIT-082 on cognition and memory were preliminarily investigated. AIT-082 is currently being developed as a potential treatment for Alzheimer's disease and other neurological disorders. Pre-clinical studies indicate that AIT-082 has memory enhancing properties, stimulates neuritogenesis and the production of neurotrophic factors. Patients received an oral dose of AIT-082 or placebo daily for one week. Thirty-six AD patients were divided into three dose cohorts; each dose cohort consisted of twelve patients with 8 patients randomized to AIT-082 and 4 to placebo. The 3 doses of AIT-082 evaluated in this study were 100 mg/day, 500 mg/day, and 2,000 mg/day. There were no serious adverse events at any dose and the drug was well tolerated without significant side effects. AIT-082 was orally and rapidly absorbed, resulting in peak serum concentrations within 2 hours with an elimination half-life of approximately 20 hours. Higher doses resulted in corresponding increases in peak concentrations and areas under the curve (AUC). There was an approximate 2-fold accumulation in AIT-082 with daily dosing (as reflected by the AUC) at steady state. There were no significant differences by treatment arm on the clinical or neuropsychological evaluations. AIT-082 was rapidly absorbed by the oral route with a half-life suitable for dosing once or twice daily. No problems with tolerability or safety were found. AIT-082 appears suitable for testing in larger clinical trials for the treatment of AD and other neurologic disorders.Neotrofin
New brain cells
The memory switch?
Dumb-drug euphoria
Growing new brain cells
Memory-enhancing Neotrofin in Alzheimer's disease
Refs and further reading
Future Opioids
BLTC Research
Utopian Surgery?
The Abolitionist Project
The Hedonistic Imperative
The Reproductive Revolution
Critique of Huxley's Brave New World
The Good Drug Guide
The Responsible Parent's Guide
To Healthy Mood Boosters For All The Family