Vasopressin metabolites: a link
between vasopressin and memory?
Diaz Brinton R.
Reijmers LG, van Ree JM, Spruijt BM, Burbach JP, De Wied D.
Rudolf Magnus Institute for Neurosciences,
Department of Medical Pharmacology,
Utrecht University, The Netherlands.
Prog Brain Res 1998;119:523-35
ABSTRACTThe effects of endogenous metabolites of the neuropeptide vasopressin (VP) in behavioural tests led to the hypothesis that VP metabolites have a more selective function than VP. In contrast to VP, no peripheral effects have been found thus far with VP metabolites and their function seems to be associated with memory-related behaviour. VP metabolites can improve both consolidation and retrieval of memory. Effects on autonomic and electrophysiological parameters and interactions with other neurotransmitter systems have provided some information about the processes that could underlie the effects of VP metabolites on memory-related behaviour. There is evidence that the effects of VP metabolites could be mediated by a VP metabolite receptor, which is different from the known VP receptors. The VP metabolite receptor could be a link between the neuropeptide VP and memory-related behaviour.Vasopressin
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Refs and further reading
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